313-610-6336 gashby@gmail.com
1986 MFA- Master of Fine Arts and Visual Journalism, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
1982 BFA- Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2005 Online workshop, instructed by Steve Houston, figure drawing
Solo Exhibitions
2023 - Art Under the Circumstance, Madonna University, Livonia, MI
2009 - Transcendence, Dell Pryor Gallery, Detroit, MI
1996 - Best of The Best: Selected Works From 20 Years of SVA Portfolio, School of Visual Arts, Savannah, GA,
1991 - Visual Journalism and Personal Imagery, School of Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY
Selected Exhibitions
2024 - DAM Gala Art Auction, Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, Mi
2024 - Visions 16: Detroit Artists, Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, MI
2023 - Iconic Subway Poster Show, School of Visual Art, New York , NY
2023 - American Illustrators 42nd Annual, Selected Winner, American Illustration, New York, NY
2022 - Here’s To You Detroit, Detroit Society of Women’s Painters and Sculptors, Detroit, MI
2021 - Unity, Pontiac Creative Art Center, Pontiac, MI
2019 - Celebrating Women as God, Art Basel, Point Comfort Art Fair and Show, Overtown, Miami, FL
2018 - Big Highland Park Show, Annex Gallery, Detroit, MI
2017 - The Peace, Ellen Kayrod Gallery, Detroit, MI
2017- Anti- Love Song, NORWEST Gallery, Detroit, MI
2016 - Unveiling Visions: The Alchemy of the Black Imagination, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Harlem, NY
2015 - Next Step, Next Step Gallery, Ferndale, MI
2014 - MFA Visual Essay 30th Anniversary Show, School of Visual Arts, Chelsea Gallery, New York, NY
2011 - Celebrating the Creative Spirit, Creative Arts Gallery, Pontiac MI
2010 - Art Under the Influence: The Relationship between Teachers and Students, Art House, Northville MI
2009 - Sabbatical Show, Center Gallery, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
2008 - The Black West: Buffalo Soldiers, Black Cowboys, and Untold Stories, Booth Western Art Museum, Cartersville GA
2002 - 44th Annual Exhibition, New York Society of Illustrators, Messiah College, Grantham, PA
2001 - Faculty Show, Elizabeth Stone Children’s Book Art Gallery, Birmingham, MI
2001 - Seoul International Communication Design Exhibition, School of Visual Arts, Seoul, South Korea
1992 - Group Show, Cartoon Museum, San Francisco, CA
1991 - New Images, Leo Barnett US, Chicago, IL
1991 - Group Show, Twilight Studio, Hoboken, NJ
1991 - Master’s Degree Program Exhibition, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
1990 - Eusi 90, Lincoln Square Gallery, New York, NY
1988 - Black Visions: Lady Legends of Jazz, Schomburg Center for Research In Black Culture Gallery, Harlem, NY
Honors, Awards, Commissions
2011 Distinguished Educator of the Arts, New York Society of Illustrators, New York, NY
2003 Certificate of Merit, Society of Illustrators 26th, New York
2002 44th Annual National Exhibition Certificate of Merit, New York Society of Illustrators, New York, NY
2001 Honorable Mention, The Scarab Club Advertising Art Annual Exhibition, Detroit MI
1994 Teacher of Awardee Arts Recognition and Talent Search For Exceptional Artistic Achievement, National Foundation For Advancement In the Arts, Miami, Fl
1984 Scholarship for Master of Fine Arts Visual Journalism Program, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
1982 Illustration Selected for the School of Visual Arts Senior Portfolio, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2020 - Permanent Installation, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Detroit, MI
2008 - Mural project, Pathways to Success Academic Campus, Ann Arbor, MI
2005-07 - 40 Portrait Commission, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI
2005-06 - Mural, Charles H Wright Museum of African American History, Latimer Café, Detroit, MI
1988 - Appreciation Award, from the Mayor of the City of New York, New York, NY
In recognition of cover illustration and exhibition, “Black Visions: Lady Legends of Jazz”
Institutional Experience
1999 - Current- College for Creative Studies (CCS), Detroit, MI
Associate Professor (1999-2000 and 2010-Present),
Illustration Department Chair (2000-10)
1998-99- School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Drawing Professor
1996-98 - School of Visual Arts, Savannah, GA
Drawing Professor
Illustration and Fine Art Department
1993 - Kutz Town University, Kutz Town, PA
Visting Professor
1991-96 - School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Drawing Professor
2016-2018- Detroit Public Library, Detroit, MI
Workshop Instructor
1988-1996 The Children’s Art Carnival, New York, NY
Coordinator/Instructor of After School Arts Program
2015 - Boll Family YMCA, Detroit, MI
Adult Workshop Instructor- Visual Thinking Reimagined
Service to the Community
2023 - Panelist- Selection Committee, Kresge Eminent Artist Award, Kresge Foundation, Detroit, MI
2023 - Portfolio Reviewer, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
2022 - Juror, Detroit Society of Women’s Painters and Sculptors, Detroit, MI
2021 - Judge and Panelist, Municipal Art Commission of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
2021 - Juror, Annual AIGA World Studio Scholarship, New York, NY
2019 - Program Evaluator, Sheridan College of Art, Toronto, CA
2022 - Artist Talk, N'Namdi Center for Contemporary Art, Detroit, MI
2022 - The Bloomfield Community Television Show, “Visual Artist Journey: From Harlem to Detroit,”
2022 - Guest Speaker, Illustration Academy, Kansas City, MO
2021 - Guest Speaker, Illustration Academy, Kansas City, MO
2019 - Moderator, Art Basel, Point Comfort Art Fair and Show, Overtown, FL
2019 Guest Speaker, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Detroit, MI
2018, 2017, 2016 Panelist, Detroit Midwest Ethnic Convention of Comics and Arts
2015 - Panelist, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2014 - Workshop Presenter, AT&T Tech Symposium, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, MI
2014 - Presenter, Illustration Conference (ICON 2014), Portland, OR
2013 - Guest Speaker, Farmington Community Library, Farmington, MI
2001, 2002, 2003 - Guest Speaker, Illustration Passages Program, Illustration Academy, New York, NY
2009 - Speaker, Center Galleries, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
Clients, Commissions, Publications
2021 - American Illustration 40th Annual
2020 - American illustrators 39th Annual (online)
2019 - American Illustrators 38th Annual (online)
2002 - Regional Design Annual, PRINT Magazine—Illustration, New York, NY
2002 - Society of Illustrators Annual, New York, NY
Agency for Interracial Books
Annual Reports
Arista Records
Backer & Spielvogel (advertisement for Miller beer)
Bantam Books
Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn
Beatrice TLCBETBlack Enterprise
Boyds Mils Press
Burgam, Michael. Pecos Bill, Kirchhoff/ Wohlberg Harcourt Brace Little Books
Carpelis Design Associates
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
Chelsea House Publications
Cheryl Miller Design
Circa ‘86
Cold Chillin Records
Correctional Association of New York
D.C. Comics/Piranha Press
DC Heath
Drew University Magazine
EM MagazineEssence
F&W Publications (The Artist)
Foote, Cone, and Belding (advertisement for the US Post Office)
Franklyn Watts
Goldish, Meish. Let’s Put on A Play, McGraw-Hill School Division
Grade Level Readers
Graphic Solutions Inc.
Great Blacks in Wax Museum
Greenfield, Eloise. Rosa Parks, Harper Collins
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc.
Harcourt Brace Little Books
Harper Trophy Publishing
Houghton-Mifflin Company
Instructional Publishing
Jazziz (advertisement for the Verve Music Group)
Johnson Publications
Kirchhoff /Wohlberg
Lisca Associates Inc.
Macmillan /McGraw-Hill
Marquez Michaellis
Marvel Comics
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
NBC, ABC, Financial News Network
New York Times Book Review
Nicholas, Evangelina. Summer Sands, Wright Group Publishing
Obrien, Anne. Button Time, Kirchhoff/Wohlberg Harcourt Brace Little Books
Osborne Association
Scott Foresman
Sheldon Cotler Associates in Design Group
Silver Burdett & Ginn Inc
SONY Music Entertainment
The Wright Group Publishing
Three Communications
Time-WarnerTrade Books
Wycliffe and Smith Design
Yolen, Jane and Heidi Stemple. Dear Mother, Dear Daughter: Poems for Young People, Wordsong/ Boyds Mills Press
The Bloomfield Community Television Show, hosted by John Sauve, interview, “Visual Artist Journey: From Harlem to Detroit,” 2022.
Detroit Catholic, “St. Augustine and St. Monica Parish pays homage to its history with saint portraits. Kate Lochner,” January 15, 2020,